so far so good.


Magalie Delobelle founded SFSG in 2014 from the fjords of Trondheim in Norway where she enjoyed the special energy of northern life for 5 years. Now operating from France, the agency aims to introduce new literary voices to readers around the world and to support authors by finding the best home for each text, both in France and abroad. The agency also promotes movie and tv rights.

We opt for a refreshing approach to represent our clients. With a solid network of international publishers, agent and scouts, from independent publishing houses to groups, a lively presence in the publishing community, a creative communication, a strong visual identity and an edgy team of collaborators, we aim to be our authors' best ally.

Emphasizing contemporary fiction, novels, outstanding and fierce voices, brilliant writing, haunting characters and unique universes, we seek authors whose books will leave their readers breathless.

2021 has been particularly sparkling for SFSG with the International Booker Prize awarded to David Diop’s Frère d’âme – now translated into more than 35 languages and a movie adaptation in the development stages – allowing the agency’s desire to grow to represent more authors in a myriad of facets, from foreign to pocket to audiovisual rights, with efficiency and determination.


«Je ne ris pas devant les gens comme je ris dans ma tête. Mon vieux père me l’a toujours dit: seuls les enfants et les fous rient sans raison

David Diop, Frère d’âme